Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Experts Call It Drinking Water Previous Eat Can Help Lose Weight

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Experts Call It Drinking Water Previous Eat Can Help Lose Weight


Jakarta, to be able to lose Agency, people usually immediately think to sign up to the gym or to a nutritionist for dietary consultation. Well, except some way, there is another trick that can be done to lose the benefits of the Agency know. Yes, according to researcher Elizabeth A. Dennis, drink two glasses of water at least 30 minutes before a meal can help you who were wanting to lose Agency. In a study published in the journal Obesity, Dennis involves a bunch of men and women with excessive weight Agency. They then split up into two groups. The first group was told to drink two glasses of water before each meal, the group shortly 2nd to none. Read also: If Not Clean, Water Content Can Again Threatens Food Security TanggaSeperti taken residence of Max Health News, Monday (05/16/2016), after 12 weeks ended show that the first group lost an average Body weight 6 kg. Shortly 2nd group experienced weight loss Body average of 1-2 kg only. Going from the results of the study, the research team concluded that drinking water before meals can make a meal without any recognized so with much smaller amounts. Well, if you want to lose middle Agency, this simple trick can be tried worked. Another study done at the University of Illnois researchers also point out that given the amount of consumed drinking water has an influence on the amount of calories diasup. Not only that, the more drinking water also reduce the consumption of sugar, sodium, and fat. In a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, the researchers found that giving one to two glasses of water consumed can reduce total calorie consumption. For this study, researchers examined data foods of 18. 311 adults who take sides in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of th. 2005 to 2012. See also: In one day, How much time Ideally A Urinating? (Ajg / vit)


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